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Texas Violent Crimes


Being charged with a violent crime can carry serious repercussions that last a
lifetime. If you have been charged in Dallas or surrounding counties with a violent
crime, a skilled defense lawyer is ready to protect your rights. You need to
consult with a knowledgeable defense attorney immediately to ensure your
interests are protected. Ashmore & Ashmore will provide your case with thorough
representation and immediate action.



While Texas has some of the most liberal gun laws in the U.S., there are still

numerous ways to encounter legal problems here involving guns and firearms.

Common gun violations in Texas include:

  • Possession of a firearm by someone restricted from owning guns like an
    “interdicted” person or “prohibited possessor.” Interdicted people include
    convicted felons and people convicted of domestic violence.

  • “Straw transactions,” which involve knowingly buying a firearm for someone
    restricted from owning one.

  • Unlawful selling of firearms by firearms dealers. This is a felony and can be a
    federal crime. Penalties can be severe—sentences can range from
    10 to 60 years or more in prison or jail.

  • Use of illegal drugs with a weapon present or possession of a firearm while
    under the influence. The presence of a firearm raises may enhance the
    nature of the offense charged from a misdemeanor to a felony.

Gun charges are serious and are frequently “enhanced” by circumstances that increase the seriousness of the charge. Enhancements include the presence or use of drugs, prior convictions and “prohibited possessor” status. If you face a gun or firearm charge, call Ashmore & Ashmore to learn more about your legal defense options.



If you or a loved one is serving a probation or parole sentence, you may already be aware that you do not have the same constitutional rights guaranteed to you during a criminal trial in parole or probation proceedings. Instead, your parole and probation officer has broad rights to search your home, conduct alcohol and drug tests and remove you from your home.

Most importantly, your parole and probation officer has the ability to declare you in violation of your sentence restrictions and have you jailed. If you have been accused of violating your probation or parole and have questions regarding your rights, contact Ashmore & Ashmore for answers to your questions and fight for rights.

Parole and probation are a privilege, not a right. Consequently, the government’s standards for demonstrating a parole and probation violation are low. However, we can arrange and attend an evidentiary hearing and argue against charges that you violated parole or probation. We can use your cooperation to press for leniency, and request to get your revoked probation reinstated, get out of jail and back where you belong — at work, at home and with your family. Contact Ashmore & Ashmore to discuss your parole or probation revocation situation.


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