At Ashmore & Ashmore Law Firm, our experienced Rockwall & Terrell, Texas attorneys understand that all marriages are unique, and so are the reasons couples can no longer make them work together.
While many marriages may end for the same types of reasons, only you and your spouse can determine when it is time to contact a divorce lawyer in Texas to learn more about your options.
Some of the most common causes of divorce may include, but are not limited to:
Controlling behavior
Differing money management styles and/or financial trouble
Domestic violence
Drug or alcohol dependency
Extreme conflicts and/or consistent arguing
Gambling or other compulsions
Health problems
Infidelity and extramarital affairs
Lack of commitment or support within the marriage
Lack of marital support from family members
Marrying too young
Religious differences
Divorce is a deeply personal journey and requires the assistance and guidance of an experienced Rockwall Texas divorce attorney to ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.
When you and your partner are splitting up, it is important to know that you have options. No matter whose idea the divorce is, they are not the sole owner of the rights to your relationship, its assets, or your children.
Allow our Texas attorneys to explain your rights, so you can keep them as your primary focus during this difficult time.
Contact our Rockwall and Terrell Texas attorneys at the Ashmore & Ashmore Law Firm offices today at 972-325-5938 to discuss your rights.