So, what do you need to know about what goes into your final decree of divorce after your final trial?
After your final trial, the judge is either going to make some rulings from the bench and you're going to be right and furiously fast, or your lawyer is or the judge will issue a letter ruling, spelling out one ruling two ruling three and that is all going to have to be reduced to a judgment.
The judgment is prepared by the lawyer, usually for the lawyer who prevailed, and for the party who won.
For example, a case I had recently, the party who was determined through trial to be the primary parent, with the right to designate the primary resident, also was their job to do the drafting because they prevailed, so in that final judgment, needs to be the
child custody plan
visitation schedule
child support
any confirmation of a rear edge
spousal maintenance if any
any property division
confirmation of separate property division of community property
any family violence findings